While many American development firms today are very large and corporate in nature, many entrepreneurs who want to pursue their own development dreams and interests create new firms each year. Small-scale projects involve basically the same development process as that for a large project—engaging in market and financial analysis, planning the program, getting approvals, obtaining financing, hiring designers and consultants, managing contractors and construction, and marketing, leasing, and managing the property—though often with limited capital, resources, and staff. This publication provides a detailed look at the stories behind eight successful small-scale developments and how they were put together. In addition to the case studies themselves, this report provides a brief overview of the key traits for this group of case studies, as well as the lessons learned for each project.Case Studies Featured: •Multifamily Residential DevelopmentsoECO Modern Flats (Fayetteville, Arkansas)oOslo (Washington, D.C.)oThe Rose (Minneapolis, Minnesota)•Multifamily Residential Developments with Commercial SpaceoAF Bornot Dye Works (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)oSofia Lofts (San Diego, California)•Commercial Developmentso21c Museum Hotel Cincinnati (Cincinnati, Ohio)oBullitt Center (Seattle, Washington)oTrinity Groves (Dallas, Texas)Author Biography
Dean Schwanke, MA (Author), Arlington, Virginia (United States of America) - Dean Schwanke is Senior Vice President, Case Studies and Publications at the Urban Land Institute. In this role he oversees the development of ULI case studies, textbooks, and other publications. Prior to this he was Senior Vice President and Executive Director of the ULI Center for Capital Markets and Real Estate, which he planned and launched within ULI in 2009. He continues to support the work of the center, including presenting the findings of the annual Emerging Trends in Real Estate report. Over the past thirty years he has directed the development of over 80 books and reports for ULI, and has personally authored or coauthored numerous books, including the Mixed-Use Development Handbook in 2003 and the Resort Development Handbook in 1997. He has also organized numerous conferences and made over 100 presentations on a variety of topics, including place making, mixed-use development, and real estate capital markets. He holds a BA degree from the University of Wisconsin--Madison and a master of planning degree from the University of Virginia.